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Our Military

Many of our early settlers had served in the Civil War for Iowa and other states, and Walnut had a Grand Army of the Republic post for many years which consisted of Civil War veterans. 


Walnut's first man to die in war was Christian Von Kaus (or Kaus), who died from malaria while aboard a hospital ship in the harbor at Yokohoma, Japan during the Spanish-

American war in 1898.  Kaus was not born in Walnut, and had moved away to Wyoming when he joined the 1st Wyoming Infantry at the outset of the war. 


Walnut's first native to die in war was Theo Carey, who died in action in France in 1919. 


The following photos show some shots of our GAR members, and also photos of 8 of the 16 Walnutites who died during wartime.

Our Military: Services
Click on the Photo to open
Carroll, Roger labeled

Carroll, Roger labeled

leroy linn 1936 grad

leroy linn 1936 grad

everett hoover class of 1934

everett hoover class of 1934

john sharp

john sharp

james mccloud capture

james mccloud capture

orville beckendorf capture

orville beckendorf capture

theo carey pic

theo carey pic

Christian Kaus pic

Christian Kaus pic

1912 Ring Ride Days parade 2

1912 Ring Ride Days parade 2

Our Military: Gallery
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